Bio Publications Students Teaching Contact Meeting on Systems and Control Theory

Manfredi Maggiore


Systems Control Group | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Toronto
SCG | ECE | UofT

Bio and Research Interests

I received my Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1996 and my Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Ohio State University in 2000, working with Kevin M. Passino. In September 2000, I joined the Systems Control Group in the ECE Department, University of Toronto.

I work in the area of nonlinear control, focusing on the basic open problems in this field. My research approach is mathematical in nature and relies on methods from dynamical systems theory and differential geometry. Currently, my research focuses on the set stabilization problem and its relationship to path following. In collaboration with Luca Consolini at the University of Parma, Italy, I am also developing a theory of virtual holonomic constraints for mechanical systems.