Contact Information
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4, Canada
Office: GB342, Galbraith Building 3rd floor
Phone: 416-978-0803,     Fax: 416-978-0804
Research Interests
My general research interest is in mathematical system theory. My current research area is:
- Systems Neuroscience
Reach Control Problem
- Here is a seminar on the topic presented at University of Waterloo, March 2014.
- Here is another seminar presented at UC Berkeley, April 2016.
- An application of reach control is motion control of quadrocopters. Here is a video .
- Here is a second video featuring Akela the dog.
- Patterned Linear Systems
- ECE411: Adaptive Control and Reinforcement Learning, Spring 2024
- ECE470: Robot Modeling and Control , Fall 2023
- ECE1647F: Introduction to Nonlinear Systems, Fall 2023
- ECE311: Introduction to Control Systems, Spring 2020
- ECE1653: Hybrid Systems and Control Applications, Fall 2018
- ECE557: Linear Control Theory , Fall 2015
- ECE1619: Linear Geometric Control Theory, Spring 2015
- ECE356: Introduction to Control Theory , Spring 2011
- MAT290: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Fall 2010
- MAT298: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Fall 2006
- ECE410: Linear Control Systems, Fall 2005
Publications Submitted
Journal Papers
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
- Full List of Publications
Fatima Ghadieh, Ph.D.
Erick Mejia Uzeda, Ph.D.
Mohamed Hafez, Ph.D.
Past Students and where they are now.
Copyright © 2006 Mireille E. Broucke