Manfredi Maggiore
Books 2022 2016 2002 J.T. Spooner, M. Maggiore, R. Ord'o~nez, and K.M. Passino, Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear Systems: Neural and Fuzzy Approximator Techniques , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2002. DOI: Book Chapters 2006 Journal Papers 2024 L. Navarro and M. Maggiore, Hybrid Stabilization of Closed Orbits for a Class of Underactuated Mechanical Systems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control : 6864-6879, 2024. M. Maggiore, Revisiting the Normal Form of Input-Output Linearization , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 69: 5995-6009, 2024. A. Moran-MacDonald, M. Maggiore, and X. Wang, From gymnastics to virtual nonholonomic constraints: energy injection, dissipation, and regulation for the acrobot , IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 32: 47-60, 2024. 2023 R. Otsason and M. Maggiore, Virtual constraint generators for motion control of robots with degree of underactuation one , Automatica , 151: 110875, 2023. E. Kao-Vukovich and M. Maggiore, On the Synthesis of Stable Walkover Gaits for the Acrobot , IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 31: 1379-1394, 2023. M. Maggiore, A. LorĂa, and E. Panteley, Reduction Theorems For Stability of Compact Sets in Time-Varying Systems , Automatica , 148: 110771, 2023. M. Maggiore, On The Teaching of Nonlinear Control: Challenges and Ideas , IEEE Control Systems Letters , 7: 538-544, 2023. 2019 A. Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Formation Control of Unicycles , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 64 (12): 4998-5011, 2019. M. Maggiore, M. Sassano, and L. Zaccarian, Reduction Theorems for Hybrid Dynamical Systems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 64 (6): 2254-2265, 2019. 2018 L. Consolini, A. Costalunga, and M. Maggiore, A coordinate-free theory of virtual holonomic constraints , Journal of Geometric Mechanics , 10 (4): 467-502, 2018. A. Mohammadi, M. Maggiore, and L. Consolini, Dynamic Virtual Holonomic Constraints for Stabilization of Closed Orbits in Underactuated Mechanical Systems , Automatica , 94: 112-124, 2018. A. Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Global Rendezvous of Unicycles , IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems , 5 (1): 640-652, 2018. 2017 E. Serpelloni, M. Maggiore, and C. Damaren, A Quaternion-Based Bang-Bang Attitude Stabilizer for Rotating Rigid Bodies , Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics , 40 (6): 1523-1534, 2017. A. Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, Local and distributed rendezvous of underactuated rigid bodies , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 62 (8): 3835-3847, 2017. A. Mohammadi, M. Maggiore, and L. Consolini, On The Lagrangian Structure of Reduced Dynamics Under Virtual Holonomic Constraints , ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations , 23 (3): 913-935, 2017. 2016 A. M. Kohl, E. Kelasidi, A. Mohammadi, M. Maggiore, and K. Y. Pettersen, Planar Maneuvering Control of Underwater Snake Robots Using Virtual Holonomic Constraints , Bioinspiration & Biomimetics , 11 (6): 065005, 2016. E. Serpelloni, M. Maggiore, and C. Damaren, Bang-bang hybrid stabilization of perturbed double-integrators , Automatica , 69: 315-323, 2016. A. Mohammadi, E. Rezapour, M. Maggiore, and K.Y. Pettersen, Maneuvering Control of Planar Snake Robots Using Virtual Holonomic Constraints , IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 24 (3): 884-899, 2016. 2014 E. Serpelloni, M. Maggiore, and C. Damaren, Control of Spacecraft Formations Around the Libration Points Using Electric Motors with One Bit of Resolution , The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences , 61 (4): 367-390, 2014. A. Roza and M. Maggiore, A Class of Position Controllers for Underactuated VTOL Vehicles , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 59 (9): 2580-2585, 2014. 2013 M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Reduction Theorems for Stability of Closed Sets with Application to Backstepping Control Design , Automatica , 49: 214-222, 2013. B.G. Rawn, P.W. Lehn, and M. Maggiore, A Disturbance Margin For Quantifying Limits on Power Smoothing by Wind Turbines , IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 21 (5): 1795-1807, 2013. L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, Control of a Bicycle Using Virtual Holonomic Constraints , Automatica , 49: 2381-2839, 2013. M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Distributed Circular Formation Stabilization for Dynamic Unicycles , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 58 (1): 149-162, 2013. M. Maggiore and L. Consolini, Virtual Holonomic Constraints for Euler-Lagrange Systems , IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control , 58 (4): 1001-1008, 2013. 2012 2011 2010 L. Consolini, M. Maggiore, C. Nielsen, and M. Tosques, Path following for the PVTOL aircraft , Automatica , 46 (8): 1284-1296, 2010. C. Nielsen, C. Fulford, and M. Maggiore, Path following using transverse feedback linearization: Application to a maglev positioning system , Automatica , 46 (3): 585-590, 2010. M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Reduction principles and the stabilization of closed sets for passive systems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 55 (4): 982-987, 2010. 2009 2008 2007 Z. Lin, B.A. Francis, and M. Maggiore, State agreement for continuous-time coupled nonlinear systems , SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 46 (1): 288-307, 2007. B.G. Rawn, P.W. Lehn, and M. Maggiore, Control methodology to mitigate the grid impact of wind turbines , IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion , 22 (2): 431-438, 2007. 2006 R.B. Owen, M. Maggiore, and J. Apkarian, A high-precision, magnetically levitated positioning stage: Toward contactless actuation for industrial manufacturing , IEEE Control Systems Magazine , 26 (3): 82-95, 2006. C. Nielsen and M. Maggiore, Output stabilization and maneuver regulation: A geometric approach , Systems & Control Letters , 55 (5): 418-427, 2006. 2005 M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, Output feedback tracking: A separation principle approach , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 50 (1): 111-117, 2005. Z. Lin, B.A. Francis, and M. Maggiore, Necessary and sufficient graphical conditions for formation control of unicycles , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 50 (1): 121-127, 2005. 2004 2003 M. Maggiore, R. Ord'o~nez, K.M. Passino, and S. Adibhatla, Estimator design in jet engine applications , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence , 16 (7): 579-593, 2003. M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, A Separation Principle for a Class of Non Uniformly Completely Observable Systems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 48 (7): 1122-1133, 2003. M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, A separation principle for non-UCO systems: the jet engine stall and surge example , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 48 (7): 1264-1269, 2003. 2002 Conference Papers 2019 2017 L. Greco, P. Mason, and M. Maggiore, Circular Path Following for the Spherical Pendulum on a Cart , IFAC World Congress , Toulouse, France, 2017. A. Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Formation Control of Unicycles , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Melbourne, Australia, 2017. 2016 A. Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Global Rendezvous of Unicycles , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Las Vegas, USA, 2016. E. Serpelloni, M. Maggiore, and C. Damaren, A Bang-Bang Attitude Stabilizer for Rotating Rigid Bodies , AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference , San Diego, USA, 2016. D.J.W. Belleter, C. Paliotta, M. Maggiore, and K.Y. Pettersen, Path Following for Underactuated Marine Vessels , Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) , Monterey, USA, 2016. 2014 A. Mohammadi, E. Rezapour, M. Maggiore, and K.Y. Pettersen, Direction Following Control of Planar Snake Robots Using Virtual Holonomic Constraints , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Los Angeles, USA, 2014. A. Roza, M. Maggiore, and L. Scardovi, A Class of Rendezvous Controllers for Underactuated Thrust-Propelled Rigid Bodies , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Los Angeles, USA, 2014. E. Serpelloni, M. Maggiore, and C.J. Damaren, Bang-Bang Hybrid Stabilization of Perturbed Double Integrators , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Los Angeles, USA, 2014. E. Rezapour, A. Hofmann, K.Y. Pettersen, A. Mohammadi, and M. Maggiore, Virtual Holonomic Constraint Based Direction Following Control of Planar Snake Robots Described By a Simplified Model , IEEE Conference on Control Applications , Antibes, France, 2014. E. Serpelloni, M. Maggiore, and C.J. Damaren, Rigid Spacecraft Formations Actuated by Electric Thrusters with One-Bit Resolution , AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference , San Diego, USA, 2014. 2013 A. Mohammadi, M. Maggiore, and L. Consolini, When is a Lagrangian Control System With Virtual Holonomic Constraints Lagrangian? , 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems , Toulouse, France, 2013. L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, Synthesis of virtual holonomic constraints for 3-DOF mechanical systems , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Florence, Italy, 2013. 2012 A. Roza and M. Maggiore, Position Control for a Class of Vehicles in SE(3) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Maui, Hawaii, 2012. D. Jankuloski, M. Maggiore, and L. Consolini, Further Results on Virtual Holonomic Constraints , 4th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control , Bertinoro, Italy, 2012. A. Roza and M. Maggiore, Path Following Controller for a Quadrotor Helicopter , American Control Conference , Montreal, Quebec, 2012. D. Jankuloski, M. Maggiore, and L. Consolini, Synchronizing $N$ cart-pendulums using Virtual Holonomic Constraints , American Control Conference , Montreal, Quebec, 2012. 2011 L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, On the Swing-Up of the Pendubot Using Virtual Holonomic Constrains , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Orlando, USA, 2011. M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Distributed Circular Formation Stabilization of Unicycles Part I: Undirected Information Flow Graph , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Orlando, USA, 2011. M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Distributed Circular Formation Stabilization of Unicycles Part II: Abitrary Information Flow Graph , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Orlando, USA, 2011. M. Maggiore, B. Rawn, and P. Lehn, Invariance Kernels of Single-Input Planar Nonlinear Systems , American Control Conference , San Francisco, USA, 2011. L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, On the Swing-Up of the Pendubot Using Virtual Holonomic Constrains , IFAC World Congress , Milan, Italy, 2011. 2010 L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, Control of a Bicycle Using Virtual Holonomic Constraints , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Atlanta, USA, 2010. L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, Virtual Holonomic Constraints for Euler-Lagrange Systems , Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) , Bologna, Italy, 2010. 2009 C. Nielsen, C. Fulford, and M. Maggiore, Path Following Using Transverse Feedback Linearization: Application to a Maglev Positioning System , American Control Conference , St. Louis, USA, 2009. L. Consolini, M. Maggiore, M. Tosques, and C. Nielsen, On the Solution of the Path Following Problem for the PVTOL Aircraft , American Control Conference , St. Louis, USA, 2009. 2008 M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Stabilization of Closed Sets for Passive Systems, Part I: Reduction Principles , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Cancun, Mexico, 2008. M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Stabilization of Closed Sets for Passive Systems, Part II: Passivity-Based Control , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Cancun, Mexico, 2008. C. Nielsen, L. Consolini, M. Maggiore, and M. Tosques, Path Following for the PVTOL: A Set Stabilization Approach , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Cancun, Mexico, 2008. M.I. El-Hawwary and M. Maggiore, Global Path Following for the Unicycle and Other Results , American Control Conference , Seattle, USA, 2008. C. Fulford, M. Maggiore, and J. Apkarian, Control of a 5DOF Magnetically Levitated Positioning Stage , American Control Conference , Seattle, USA, 2008. 2007 2006 C. Nielsen and M. Maggiore, Further Results on Transverse Feedback Linearization of Multi-Input Systems , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , San Diego, USA, 2006. B.G. Rawn, P.W. Lehn, and M. Maggiore, Toward Controlled Wind Farm Output: Adjustable Power Filtering , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting , Montr'eal, Canada, 2006. 2005 Z. Lin, B.A. Francis, and M. Maggiore, Coupled Dynamic Systems: From Structure Towards State Agreement , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Seville, Spain, 2005. C. Nielsen and M. Maggiore, Transverse Feedback Linearization of Multi-Input Systems , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Seville, Spain, 2005. R.B. Owen, M. Maggiore, and J. Apkarian, Nonlinear Control Design for a High-Precision Contactless Positioning System Using Magnetic Levitation , IEEE Conference on Control Applications , Toronto, Canada, 2005. Z. Lin, B.A. Francis, and M. Maggiore, On The State Agreement Problem For Multiple Nonlinear Dynamical Systems , IFAC World Congress , Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. R.B. Owen and M. Maggiore, Implementation and Model Verification of a Magnetic Levitation System , American Control Conference , Portland, USA, 2005. 2004 Z. Lin, B.A. Francis, and M. Maggiore, Feasibility for Formation Stabilization of Multiple Unicycles , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Paradise Island, Bahamas, 2004. C. Nielsen and M. Maggiore, Maneuver Regulation via Transverse Feedback Linearization: Theory and Examples , Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) , Stuttgart, Germany, 2004. C. Nielsen and M. Maggiore, Maneuver Regulation, Transverse Feedback Linearization, and Zero Dynamics , International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS) , Leuven, Belgium, 2004. 2003 L. Consolini and M. Maggiore, Robust Output Feedback Tracking With a Matching Condition , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Maui, Hawaii, 2003. M. L'evis and M. Maggiore, Nonlinear Control of a Planar Magnetic Levitation System , DCDIS Conference , Guelph, Canada, 2003. M. L'evis and M. Maggiore, Nonlinear Control of a Planar Magnetic Levitation System , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Maui, Hawaii, 2003. R. Becerril-Arreola and M. Maggiore, Nonlinear Stabilization of a 3 Degrees-of-Freedom Magnetic Levitation System , American Control Conference , Denver, USA, 2003. 2002 2001 M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, Practical Internal Models for Output Tracking in Nonlinear Systems , American Control Conference , Arlington, USA, 2001. M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, Sufficient Conditions for the Solution of the Semiglobal Output Tracking Problem Using Practical Internal Models , Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) , St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001. 2000 M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, Output Feedback Control for Stabilizable and Incompletely Observable Systems: Theory , American Control Conference , Chicago, USA, 2000. M. Maggiore and K.M. Passino, Output Feedback Control for Stabilizable and Incompletely Observable Systems: Jet Engine Stall and Surge Control , American Control Conference , Chicago, USA, 2000. 1999 1998 A. Alessandri, M. Maggiore, and M. Sanguineti, Parameter-estimation-based Learning for Feedforward Neural Networks: Convergence and Robustness Analysis , European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks , Bruges, Belgium, 1998.1997 A. Alessandri, M. Maggiore, and M. Sanguineti, Training Feedforward Neural Networks with Convergence Analysis , International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications , Hawaii, 1997.A. Alessandri, M. Maggiore, T. Parisini, and R. Zoppoli, On Convergence of Neural Approximate Nonlinear State Estimators , American Control Conference , Albuquerque, USA, 1997. 1996