
  1. Hierarchical Power System Control using Fast Inverter-Based Resources. Keynote Talk, PowerWeb Conference, TU Delft, September 2023. [Presentation Slides]

  2. Power Systems Operations and Control: An Overview. Dutch Institute for Systems and Control Summer School, September 2023. [Presentation Slides]

  3. The Return of the Tuning Regulator. 9th Meeting on System and Control Theory, May 2023. [Presentation Slides]

  4. Low-Gain Stabilizers for Linear-Convex Optimal Steady-State Control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2022. [Presentation Slides]

  5. Low-Gain Stability of Projected Integral Control for Input-Constrained Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems. Internal Presentation, August 2022. [Presentation Slides]

  6. Understanding the Power Flow Solution Space: History, Practice, Theory, and Recent Progres.. Workshop on polynomial optimization and applications in control and energy, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2022. [Presentation Slides]

  7. Advances in Feedback Control for Power Grid Modernization. Delft Center for Systems and Control, TU Delft, The Netherlands, November 2022. [Presentation Slides]

  8. Control and Communications Modelling. PESGM Panel Session for Task Force Report on Microgrid Dynamic Modelling, July, 2022. [Presentation Slides]

  9. Next-Generation Frequency and Voltage Control using Inverter-Based Resources. NREL Workshop on Resilient Autonomous Energy Systems, Online, September, 2021. [Presentation Slides]

  10. On Stability of Automatic Generation Control. CISS Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, March, 2021. [Presentation Slides]

  11. Frameworks for Feedback-Based Optimization with Application to Energy Systems. University of Toronto ECE Seminar, November, 2019. [Presentation Slides]

  12. A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations. Jan C. Willems Center for Systems and Control, University of Groningen, November, 2019. [Presentation Slides]

  13. Frameworks for Feedback-Based Optimization with Application to Energy Systems. Energy Open Workshop, Groningen, Netherlands, November, 2019. [Presentation Slides]

  14. Optimal and Distributed Frequency Control of Transmission Grids. European Control Conference, Invited Tutorial Session, June 2019. [Presentation Slides]

    1. Florian Dorfler's section [Presentation Slides]

    2. Saverio Bolognani's section [Presentation Slides]

    3. Sergio Grammatico's section [Presentation Slides]

  15. A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations. Future Electric Power Systems and the Energy Transition, February 2019. [Presentation Slides]

  16. The Optimal Steady-State Control Problem. Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich, February 2019. [Presentation Slides]

  17. Optimal Steady-State Control for Frequency Regulation of Power Systems. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2018. [Presentation Slides]

  18. A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2018. [Presentation Slides]

  19. A Hill-Moylan Lemma for Equilibrium-Independent Dissipativity. American Control Conference, June 2018. [Presentation Slides]

  20. Lossy DC Power Flow. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, March 2017. [Presentation Slides]

  21. A Theory of Solvability for Power Flow Equations. Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation, January 2017. [Presentation Slides]

  22. Quadratic Performance of Primal-Dual Methods for Distributed Optimization. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2016. [Presentation Slides]

  23. Model-Free Wide-Area Monitoring of Power Grids via Cutset Voltages. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2016. [Presentation Slides]

  24. Input/Output Analysis of Primal-Dual Gradient Algorithms. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 2016. [Presentation Slides]

  25. Distributed Control of Inverter-Based Power Grids. ACM e-Energy Conference, June 2016. [Presentation Slides]

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